School of Mathematical Sciences

Mathematical Physics Seminar: Rabinovich (Berkeley)

MS Teams
Wednesday 14th October 2020 (16:30-18:00)

Robert Laugwitz (organizer)

Alexander Schenkel (host)


Mathematical Physics Seminar, external speaker

Virtual talk in MS Teams. 1h research talk, followed by informal discussion.

Speaker: Eugene Rabinovich (UC Berkeley)

Title: Factorization algebras for bulk-boundary systems

Abstract: Costello and Gwilliam have developed a formalism wherein the observables of perturbative quantum field theories can be described by factorization algebras. A factorization algebra is a generalization of the notion of vertex algebra or E_n algebra meant to encode general quantum field theories (as opposed to solely topological or conformal field theories). Until recently, the formalism of Costello and Gwilliam applied only to field theories formulated on manifolds without boundary. In this talk, we survey recent results, some joint with Owen Gwilliam and Brian Williams, extending the work of Costello and Gwilliam to (a certain class) of field theories on manifolds with boundary.


To be added to the event, please contact the seminar organizer. All are welcome!

School of Mathematical Sciences

The University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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