Robert Laugwitz (organizer)
Mathematical Physics Seminar, external speaker:
Pavel Safronov (University of Edinburgh)
Title: Kapustin–Witten TFT on 3-manifolds and skein modules
Abstract: Kapustin and Witten have studied a one-parameter family of topological twists of the 4d N=4 super Yang–Mills theory. They have shown that the categories of boundary conditions on the surface are exactly the categories participating in the geometric Langlands program of Beilinson and Drinfeld. Moreover, S-duality is manifested as a quantum geometric Langlands duality after the topological twist. In this talk I will describe some mathematical formalizations of Hilbert spaces of states on a 3-manifold. I will outline an equivalence between two such possible formalizations: complexified Floer homology of Abouzaid--Manolescu and skein modules. This is a report on work in progress joint with Sam Gunningham.
1 h talk, followed by informal discussion.
All are welcome!
The University of NottinghamUniversity Park Nottingham, NG7 2RD
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