Quantum Mathematics Seminar: Ana Ros Camacho (Cardiff)

MS Teams
Wednesday 17th February 2021 (14:00-15:00)

Robert Laugwitz (organizer)



Mathematical Physics Seminar, external speaker:

Ana Ros Camacho (Cardiff)

Title: Algebras in group-theoretical fusion categories

Abstract: Algebras in categories with a tensor product are interesting, yet a bit difficult to find, mathematical objects that appear in a range of research topics in mathematical physics, like e.g. topological and conformal field theory. In this talk, we generalize results from Ostrik and Natale that describe algebra objects (or simply, algebras) in pointed fusion categories to the case of group-theoretical fusion categories. These algebras also have very nice properties that we will describe in detail. We will assume little knowledge of categories. This is joint work with the WINART2 team Y. Morales, M. Mueller, J. Plavnik, A. Tabiri and C. Walton.

1 h talk, followed by informal discussion.

All are welcome!

School of Mathematical Sciences

The University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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