School of Mathematical Sciences

2016- 2017 School Prize winners

On Wednesday 25 October 2017 we were delighted to announce our School Prize winners of 2016/17.

Dr Vanessa Smith presented the Harold Farnsworth OBE prizes alongside Ruth Cliffe who presented the Professor K Andrew Cliffe Memorial Prize, plus Carolyn Fox who presented the remaining PG prizes accompanied by Anne Haigh.

The event was attended by UG, PGT and PGR prize winners together with personal tutors and was hosted by Ian Dryden, Head of School and Claire Palmer, Head of Operations.

Following the presentation, everyone enjoyed refreshments and the delicious cakes went down particularly well!

Huge congratulations and all the best for the future to all our  winners, who were:

PGR Professor K Andrew Cliffe Memorial Prize - Jonathan Marsh

Awarded to the outstanding second year postgraduate student studying for a PhD in either Industrial and Applied Mathematics or in Scientific Computing in the School


MSc Mathematics Prize - Dominik Rist (Gravity, Particles and Fields) and Eva Jascurova (Statistics)

Awarded to students with the highest overall average.

201617-prize-dominik-rist-340X209 201617-prize-eva-jascurova-340X209

 Other second prize winners not in attendance were Frederick Brewer (Pure Mathematics) and Rebecca Driver (Statistics and Applied Probability).

School Achievement Prize - Mauro D'Arcangelo  (Gravity, Particles and Fields) 

 201617 prize Mauro D'Arcangelo

Progressing Year 3 Student Mathematics Prize Thomas Radley and Sophy Tyler 

 The Part II student, continuing to Part III with the best mathematics average in Year 3.

 201617 prize Thomas Radley  201617 prize Sophy Tyler

 Progressing Year 3 Student School Achievement Prize Niall Craven, Milan Storey, Christopher Foster, Christopher Stephenson and William Reynolds

Awarded to all progressing third year students with third year average of 85 or above.

 201617 prize Niall Craven  201617 prize Milan Storey

201617 prize Christopher Foster  201617 prize Christopher Stephenson

 201617 prize William Reynolds

Another prize winner not in attendance was Benjamin Penta.

Year 2 The Harold Farnsworth OBE Prize - Shangbin Zhu

Best overall performance in the second year by a single honours (G100/3/4 G123) undergraduate student.

 201617 prize Shangbin Zhu

Year 2 The Harold Farnsworth OBE Prize - Qun Feng Tang

Best overall performance in the second year by an undergraduate student on other courses.

201617 prize Qun Feng Tang

 Year 2 School Achievement Prize - Daniel Brown, Connor Rourke, Haoran Ma, Daniel Mellor, Andrei Seymour-Howell, Jodie Moore, Robert Curtis, Bowen Xia, Robert Barnett, Zijing Wu, Aaron Knights

Awarded to all second year students with second year average of 85 or above (who did not receive the Harold Farnsworth prize).

 201617 prize Daniel Brown  201617 prize Connor Rourke

201617 prize Haoran Ma  201617 prize Daniel Mellor

201617 prize Andrei Seymour-Howell  201617 prize Jodie Moore

201617 prize Robert Curtis  201617 prize Bowen Xia

201617 prize Robert Barnett  201617 prize Zijing Wu

201617 prize Aaron Knights

Another prize winner not in attendance was Xinyue Ke.

Year 1 Alan Rose Prize  - Jake Carmen

First year single honours student with the best overall performance. 

 201617 prize Jake Carmen

Year 1 Frank Underwood Prize  - Devisha Patel

First year non-single honours student with the best overall performance.

201617 prize Devisha Patel

 Year 1 School Achievement Prize - Marilena Lemonari and Joanna Callaby

 Awarded to second and third best students on any Maths course.

201617 prize Marilena Lemonari  201617 prize Joanna Callaby






Posted on Tuesday 12th December 2017

School of Mathematical Sciences

The University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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