School of Mathematical Sciences

Fellowship Achievement

Congratulations to Dr Nicolangelo Iannella from the University of Adelaide on the award of a EU Cascade Fellowship.  

Nicolangelo will join the School in Feb 2016 for two years to work on a project entitled “The endoplasmic reticulum’s role in synaptic plasticity and the emergence of orientation tuning in cortical neurons".  

This project will develop and use new mathematical and computational neuroscience based methods to fundamentally understand how the microscopic nature of biochemical processes influences synaptic plasticity - the processes that allow brain cells to change and adapt both their intrinsic properties and the spatial patterns of connections between them. This will build on his previous work in nonlinear ionic cable theory.  

He will work with Professor Coombes and other members of the Centre for Mathematical Medicine and Biology to explore the application of his work, not only to problems in visual neuroscience but also to next generation machine learning paradigms and neural engineering.

We look forward to welcoming Nicolangelo to the School!

Posted on Thursday 8th October 2015

School of Mathematical Sciences

The University of Nottingham
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