School of Mathematical Sciences

MathSoc takes home the award for "Best Society"


Our very own MathSoc have been awarded the highly coveted prize of "Best Society" at the Societies Ball 2016, hosted by the Students' Union. Having also been shortlisted for several awards, such as the "Best Academic Experience", MathSoc are extremely proud to have won the highest award at the ceremony on 29 April. Emma Bailey, President of MathSoc, along with the other members of the committee have done a fantastic job at supporting our school, both with social events and academic projects alike. 

Emma  explains that "both myself and the Vice President, Matt Manley, have been on the committee for three years and we have never won an award before. These guys have put in an outstanding amount of effort this year to organise not only our usual MathSoc events, but going above and beyond to start new projects. This year we challenged ourselves to start a new "Women in Maths" group, to introduce MathSoc Formals and we built new links with organisations such as the Royal Statistics Society. We have also been heavily involved with open days and the PASS (Peer Assisted Study Support) scheme. The group of students I have worked this year thoroughly deserved this and there was not a better way to end an extremely successful year."

The other members of committee are:

Matt Manley - Vice President 
Isaac Pickett - Treasurer
Ethan Bosse - General Secretary
Niamh Connolly and Jack de Frates - Social Secretary
Chloe Lightowlers and Jordan Bateman - Sports Secretary
Jessica Blackwell - Publicity Secretary
James Nicholson - Careers Secretary
Aaron Benfield and Nina Thomas - Fresher Reps

Keep up to date with MathSoc on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram!

Posted on Monday 6th June 2016

School of Mathematical Sciences

The University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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