School of Mathematical Sciences

Nottingham mathematicians honoured in tram-naming ceremony

The legendary mathematicians, Ada Lovelace and George Green, have joined the likes of D H Lawrence, Sir Jesse Boot and Robin Hood by having a Nottingham tram named after them. The naming ceremony, which took place last month, now sees tram numbers 230 (Green) and 233 (Lovelace) become part of the fleet. 

George Green is already a familiar name in Nottingham, with residents and visitors alike being able to explore his home, Green's Windmill in Sneinton. 

Our School wrote a letter of support to Nottingham Express Transit (NET) for George Green to be honoured. We argued that "his work continues to be held in the very highest regard by applied mathematicians and mathematical physicists. Green's theorem is familiar to mathematics/physics undergraduate students worldwide and Green's functions are in everyday use in many branches of classical and quantum physics."

There is a full list of tram names on the NET website. 

Posted on Monday 9th November 2015

School of Mathematical Sciences

The University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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