School of Mathematical Sciences

School of Mathematical Sciences hosts Quantum Roundabout postgraduate conference


The Quantum Roundabout postgraduate conference on quantum physics was held in the School of Mathematical Sciences from 6-8 July 2016. The event brings together early career researchers, working at the crossroads between physics and applied mathematics, providing them with the opportunity to network and interact with their peers in related areas, as well as recognised experts, including Prof. Sabrina Maniscalco (University of Turku, Finland), Prof. Karol Życzkowski (Jagiellonian University, Kraków) and Prof. Susana Huelga (Ulm University, Germany).

The conference saw young researchers from universities all over the world take part to look at the mathematical foundations of three active research areas of quantum physics: Quantum Entanglement, Open Quantum Systems and Quantum Metrology.

For more information, please see the conference’s website.

Posted on Monday 11th July 2016

School of Mathematical Sciences

The University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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