School of Mathematical Sciences

Staff-Student football match

Well done to all the staff and students who took part in the Maths football match on Friday 12 June. 

Held on the University football pitches, the match saw our undergraduate students (in purple) and our staff (in red) fight for the winners trophy. Both teams looked ready to take on the challenge, with strategy talks still taking place minutes before the game commenced. The student team dominated in the first half, however after half time (and a few oranges) the staff team came back stronger and more determined. Unfortunately this wasn't enough to secure the win and the students won the match 5-1. 

This successful inaugural match, organised by MathsSoc member Jordan Bateman (also the student team manager), is set to become an annual event. 

Full match report and team lists to follow.

Football Match 2015 medals

Both teams with their medals

Football Match 2015 Managers

Prof Andy Wood (Staff Manager) Jordan Bateman (Student Manager)


Posted on Thursday 18th June 2015

School of Mathematical Sciences

The University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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