School of Mathematical Sciences

Students Take Part in Prestigious LMS Summer School

Two of our undergraduate students, Joseph Allen and Rachel Carrington, obtained places at the prestigious London Mathematical Society (LMS) Summer School. They joined 50 of the best undergraduates from all corners of the country at the event held at Loughborough University in July. Combining short lecture courses with problem solving sessions and colloquium style talks from leading mathematicians, the pair were introduced to the "weird and wonderful" world of modern mathematics. 

Joseph explains that "in an average day, we would start with a few hours of lectures from invited academics. We were lucky enough to have mathematical giants like Caroline Series and Mark Gross teach us. Over the fortnight, we studied topics as diverse as virology, billiards, continued fractions, hyperbolic geometry, and complex fluid dynamics! After lunch and an exercise class, a guest speaker would give a colloquium-style talk. These were always a highlight for me, because they offered a tantalising glimpse at the modern horizon of mathematics. It was inspiring to not only see the answers we could find but also the questions we could ask. The creativity is something I want to carry forward with me through my future in maths". 

Posted on Monday 26th October 2015

School of Mathematical Sciences

The University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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