School of Mathematical Sciences

Cohomology Theories for Algebraic Varieties

Project description

After the groundbreaking works of V. Voevodsky, it became possible to work with algebraic varieties by completely topological methods. An important role in this context is played by the so-called Generalized Cohomology Theories. This includes classical algebraic K-theory, but also a rather modern (and more universal) Algebraic Cobordism theory. The study of such theories and cohomological operations on them is a fascinating subject. It has many applications to the classical questions from algebraic geometry, quadratic form theory, and other areas. One can mention, for example: the Rost degree formula, the problem of smoothing algebraic cycles, and u-invariants of fields. This is a new and rapidly developing area that offers many promising directions of research.

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Related research centre or theme

Algebra, Arithmetic and their Geometries




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School of Mathematical Sciences

The University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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