Entanglement and holography in quantum gravity
Project description
A prolific research area is emerging at the interface between quantum-information and gravity [1]. While deep conceptual links have been unveiled between e.g. entanglement and holography, there remains significant scope to unlock their operational value for future endeavours towards a consistent quantum gravity theory.
This project aims to identify, via quantum-information techniques, the entanglement features of finite regions of space leading to emergence of horizon-like surfaces, with the vision to achieve a cross-cutting information-theoretic modelling of black hole horizons in quantum gravity.
The project will exploit formal connections between spin networks – graphs decorated with quantum-geometric data which model finite regions of space in quantum gravity – and tensor networks – powerful quantum-informational structures with widespread applications in many-body physics [2].
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Project published references
[1] X.-L. Qi, Nature Phys. 14, 984 (2018).
[2] E. Colafranceschi and G. Adesso, AVS Quantum Sci. 4, 025901 (2022).
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