School of Mathematical Sciences

Multiscale analysis of ion transport in electrochemical devices

Project description

Rechargeable batteries and other energy storage technologies are key elements for reaching a sustainable carbon-free energy market. The design and optimisation of battery packs and cells is still largely based on lengthy and costly experimental campaigns. In this project we will develop a new design approach, based on multiscale analysis, to find the optimal porous electrode structure, including phenomena like ageing and degradation. To achieve this, we will consider a fully resolved multiphase continuum PDE model and proper macroscopic limits analysed. Microscopic electrochemical models usually approximate the complex non-linear electrochemical reaction between electrode and electrolyte, with the so-called Butler Volmer kinetics. This is an effective law based on local equilibrium assumptions. In this project we will consider simplified geometries and the Poisson-Nernst-Planck system including double layer and short-range electrical interactions. Different diffusion models will be considered to describe transport in the solid electrode phase, where recent studies suggest a phase-change can happen, causing complex pattern formation and affecting the dynamics of the Solid-Electrolyte Interphase layer.


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School of Mathematical Sciences

The University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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