School of Mathematical Sciences

Thermal characterisation of the building fabric under uncertainty

Project description

The built environment is responsible for 45% of all UK carbon emissions with approximately 27% attributed to the domestic sector and 18% to non-domestic buildings. Reducing the energy demand in the built-environment is thus essential for the UK decarbonisation policy which legislates an 80% reduction of its 1990 greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. The existing housing stock is a primary target for reductions of the energy demand since it is estimated that up to 85% of existing buildings will be standing by 2050. An accurate characterisation of the thermal performance of the existing housing stock in the UK is thus needed to inform large-scale cost-effective policies for retrofit intervention that can effectively contribute towards achieving those decarbonisation targets. Unfortunately, existing approaches for the in-situ characterisation of the building fabric (including ISO standards) cannot accurately characterise the thermal performance of buildings in the presence of thermal bridge effects that arise from heterogeneities, irregularities and/or abrupt changes and discontinuities in the thermophysical properties of the building fabric. In particular, these approaches cannot capture thermal bridge effects due to fabric degradation and moisture condensation which are likely to be found in existing dwellings.

This challenging research will develop novel thermal imaging algorithms capable of characterising, with an accurate measure of uncertainty, the thermal performance of the building fabric in the presence of a general class of thermal bridge effects. This project will build upon state-of-the-art Bayesian algorithms for inverse problems that have been successfully applied for tomographic inversions in the context of groundwater flow [1], electrical impedance tomography [1], resin transfer moulding [2], and the characterisation of thermophysical properties of walls [3,4]. The techniques developed in this project will be validated with real experiments. Although highly ambitious, this proposed research has enormous potential to revolutionise current approaches for in-situ characterisation of the thermal performance of buildings thereby enhancing the predictive capabilities of existing housing stock models.

This project will be jointly supervised by Prof Yupeng Wu in the Faculty of Engineering.


Project published references

[1] Iglesias, M.A. 2016. “A Regularizing Iterative Ensemble Kalman Method for PDE-Constrained Inverse Problems.” Inverse Problems 32 (2):025002.

[2] Iglesias, M.A., M. Park, and M. Tretyakov. 2017. “Bayesian Inverse Problems in Resin Transfer Molding.” Submitted Preprint available at:

[3] Iglesias, M.A., Sawlan Z., Scavino M., Tempone R., and C. Wood. 2018. “Bayesian Inferences of the Thermal Properties of a Wall Using Temperature and Heat Flux Measurements.” International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 116 (Supplement C):417–31.

[4] De Simon,L. M. A. Iglesias, B. Jones and C. Wood. 2017. “Quantifying Uncertainty in Thermal Properties of Walls by Means of Bayesian Inversion.” Submitted Preprint available at:

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