School of Medicine

Human Small Bowel Motility Workshop

Thursday 19th November 2020 (08:30-13:20)
Registration URL

All you wanted to know about human small bowel motility….but were afraid to ask

About the workshop

The small bowel has been always a difficult part of the GI tract to access to study its motor function. This explains the huge interest in developing non-invasive techniques to replaced manometry that is considered the gold standard. However in this effort to develop new techniques it seems that learnings from manometry in the past are being overlooked.

This workshop will precede a consensus where experts on past and emerging techniques will revise in depth the literature from the past and the recent experience with small bowel motility studies. This will establish what is known, what is uncertain and will guide the way for further development and validation of new techniques.

The workshop will be a unique stepping stone in a field where major progress seems imminent.

There will 10 to 15 minutes discussion time after each session.

Register now

You can register for the event online now. 

Please register as soon as possible.

Scientific Committee

  • Maura Corsetti, Associate Professor of Gastroenterology, Nottingham, UK
  • Fernando Azpiroz, Professor of Gastroenterology, Barcelona, Spain
  • Jan Tack, Professor of Medicine, Leuven, Belgium


Event program

Time Session Talk titles SpeakersChairs
8:30am   Introduction  Introduction to the workshop and to the speakers  of the day   Maura Corsetti Maura Corsetti
8:40am to 8:50am  Session 1: Manometry  Small bowel:  anatomy, innervation and function  Giovanni Barbara

Carolina Malagelada

8:50am to 9:05am  Session 1: Manometry  The conventional manometry  Vincenzo Stanghellini

Carolina Malagelada

9:05am to 9:20am  Session 1: Manometry  The high-resolution manometry  Jan Tack

Carolina Malagelada

 9:45am to 10:05am  Session 2: Transit measurements and imaging  The scintigraphy, breath test and the wireless capsule Hans Törnblom

Jaap Stoker

10:05am to 10:20am  Session 2: Transit measurements and imaging  The MRI Caroline Hoad Jaap Stoker
11:00am to 11:15am  Session 3: Endoluminal imaging and summary  The endoluminal imaging  Fernando Azpiroz

Magnus Simren

11:15am to 11:30am   Session 3: Endoluminal imaging and summary  A critical review   Andre Smout

Magnus Simren

 12:30pm to 12:45pm  Session 4: When gastroenterology meets pharmaceutical field. Application of GI imaging and diagnostic tests in oral biopharmaceutics: the UNGAP experience  In vivo techniques used to characterize the intraluminal conditions in the human GI tract  Koziolek Mirko

Tim Vanuytsel

 12:45pm to 1:00pm  Session 4: When gastroenterology meets pharmaceutical field. Application of GI imaging and diagnostic tests in oral biopharmaceutics: the UNGAP experience  Tracking of Dosage Forms in the human GI tract  Werner Weitschies 

Tim Vanuytsel

 1:10pm  Conclusion  Conclusion  Maura Corsetti Maura Corsetti


  • Maura Corsetti, Associate Professor of Gastroenterology, Nottingham, UK
  • Giovanni Barbara, Professor of Gastroenterology, Bologna, Italy
  • Vincenzo Stanghellini, Professor of Gastroenterology, Bologna, Italy
  • Jan Tack, Professor of Medicine, Leuven, Belgium
  • Hans Törnblom, Associate Professor of Gastroenterology, Gothenburg, Sweden.
  • Caroline Hoad, Senior Research Fellow, Nottingham, UK
  • Fernando Azpiroz, Professor of Gastroenterology, Barcelona, Spain
  • Andre Smout, Professor of Neurogastroenterology and Motility, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
  • Koziolek Mirko, Senior Scientist, Abbvie, Ludwigshafen, Germany
  • Werner Weitschies, Professor for Biopharmacy and Pharmaceutical Technology, Greifswald, Germany 


  • Carolina Malagelada, Collaborating Professor, Barcelona, Spain
  • Magnus Simren, Professor of Gastroenterology, Gothenburg, Sweden
  • Jaap Stoker, Professor of Radiology, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
  • Tim Vanuytsel, Assistant Professor of Gastroenterology, Leuven, Belgium


The workshop has been approved by the Federation of the Royal Colleges of Physicians of the United Kingdom for 5 CPD credits.


The workshop has been endorsed by British Society of Gastroenterology (BSG) and European Society of Neurogastroenterology and Motility (ESNM).

School of Medicine

University of Nottingham
Medical School
Nottingham, NG7 2UH

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