School of Medicine
Medical tablets, capsules and caplets flying out of a bottle against a light blue background


Image of Jamie Green

Jamie Green

PhD student (Centre for Organisational Health and Development),



Jamie qualified as an adult nurse in 2008, since then she has developed a growing interest in workplace health and wellbeing in particular primary prevention through lifestyle change and intervention. In 2017 Jamie completed her MSc. in Workplace Health & Wellbeing via Nottingham University where she carried out a small-scale research project surrounding the stressors and psychological effects in primary education staff. This spurred Jamie on to continue learning and developing as a researcher and led her to pursue a PhD in Applied Psychology. Jamie hopes to become a confident and competent researcher with the ability to assess and analyse the work-related health needs of her clients and evaluate outcomes of real world health and wellbeing interventions.

Research Summary

Jamie began her research in April 2018. Her research is an investigation in to the self-care beliefs and practices of pastoral leaders in post and in training in the Christian church. With a focussed… read more

Current Research

Jamie began her research in April 2018. Her research is an investigation in to the self-care beliefs and practices of pastoral leaders in post and in training in the Christian church. With a focussed examination on the workplace health and wellbeing successes and lessons to be learned from lived experiences.

Supervisor - Dr Jonathan Houdmont

School of Medicine

University of Nottingham
Medical School
Nottingham, NG7 2UH

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