Coast, Estuaries and Rivers Group


NCI is internationally recognised in this field. Areas of interest include:

  • Coastal Engineering - research in this discipline covers the prediction and analysis of long-term morphological changes, methods of quantifying risk of coastal flooding, random wave propagation, numerical modelling of wave inundation, overtopping, and wave-induced circulation and stability methods applied to nearshore currents and beaches.
  • River Hydraulics - research is being carried out on the development and application of computational hydraulic software. Development focuses mainly on 1D and 3D. Application areas include flood prediction, river rehabilitation, flow at hydraulic structures (for stability and safety), recreational water facilities.

  • Asset Management: Including management of flood protection systems

The group holds regular seminars, often inviting outside speakers. A timetable of these seminars for the current academic year is given here.

Staff Members

Prof D E Reeve
Dr N G Wright
Dr N Dodd


Numerical modelling of nearshore hydrodynamics and morphodynamics

Investigation of the multi-scale variability of beaches
Modelling of open-channel flow to illustrate the effects of channel shape and heterogeneous roughness
Simulation of wave overtopping using 3D wave model
Investigation of the long term evolution of offshore sandbanks
Numerical modelling of bank erosion in alluvial river channels











Last Updated : Thursday, September 4, 2003