David O'Brien

David O'Brien
School of Contemporary Chinese Studies, University of Nottingham Ningbo China
+86 574 8818 0000 (Extension: 9421)

Expertise summary

Chinese ethnic identity and policy; the Chinese political system as well as social science research methodologies, particularly in the Chinese context.Britain’s post Brexit relationship with China and East Asia.

David's  cross-disciplinary research is based on many years of qualitative fieldwork in China and seeks to explore how ethnic identity continues to evolve in and the interplay between state and individual interpretations of identity. 

David previously worked as a journalist for an Irish national newspaper reporting on a wide range of topics in Ireland as well as Spain, Portugal, the Netherlands, South Africa, India and Nepal.

As an academic David has contributed to the Financial Times and the Economist as well as broadcasters Deutsche Welle and RTE.

Preferred media: TV, radio, print and online



David O Brian

Areas of expertise

Social media

Media Relations - External Relations

The University of Nottingham
YANG Fujia Building
Jubilee Campus
Wollaton Road
Nottingham, NG8 1BB

telephone: +44 (0) 115 951 5798
email: pressoffice@nottingham.ac.uk