Dr Debra Costley

Dr Debra Costley
School of Education
0115 9513706

Expertise summary

My research and expertise is in autism and the best educational options for children and young people on the autism spectrum, with a focus on girls, anxiety, social and emotional functioning. The support needed by autistic teachers is also a particular focus.

Topics I can comment on include autism and girls schooling; home-schooling; alternative provision; autism and anxiety; impact on learning and on post-16 opportunities; interventions, preparation and support for teachers in inclusive schools.

In my previous role as the National Director of Aspect Practice (Autism Spectrum Australia) I was regularly interviewed by the media about our work and responding to news stories. I have appeared as an expert on ABC news and discussion programmes and written for the print media. I am media trained.

Dr Debta Costley

Areas of expertise

Social media

Media Relations - External Relations

The University of Nottingham
YANG Fujia Building
Jubilee Campus
Wollaton Road
Nottingham, NG8 1BB

telephone: +44 (0) 115 951 5798
email: pressoffice@nottingham.ac.uk