Dr Ricky Jeffrey

Assistant Professor Ricky Jeffrey
Education and English
+86 135 6744 5204

Expertise summary

Chinese education system: - English language education at all levels. Extensive experience in teaching, managing, and teacher-training. - Higher education. One of the few non-Chinese to have managed a department at a major Chinese university (the English Language Center at Zhejiang University). - Transnational higher education. Experience with four transnational ventures in China, jointly run with UK or US partners.

University links: University of Edinburgh, Zhejiang University.

Partners: I am an "ambassador" with the Center for Open Science (https://www.cos.io/), an increasingly influential US-based technology non-profit leading worldwide reforms in scientific research and publishing.

Consultancy and Research:  Dr Jeffrey is happy to explore opportunities to undertake consultancy and research work with external organisations.

Policy credentials

Worked with: - Beijing Institute of Education (北京教育学院), on a specialized Masters degree for in-service English schoolteachers. Looking to work on now: - More partners in English-language education in or related to China's school sector.

Industry credentials

Worked with: - 21st Century English Education Media (21世纪英语教育传媒), a recently established partnership expected to develop into a number of ventures. Looking to work on now: - More partners in English-language education - potential industry partners would include international schools, training companies, educational technology companies.


Ricky Jeffrey 2

Areas of expertise

Social media




Dr Jeffrey

Media Relations - External Relations

The University of Nottingham
YANG Fujia Building
Jubilee Campus
Wollaton Road
Nottingham, NG8 1BB

telephone: +44 (0) 115 951 5798
email: pressoffice@nottingham.ac.uk