Dr Lei Hao

Dr Lei Hao
International Communications

Expertise summary

Dr Lei Hao obtained his PhD in Media and Communications at Goldsmiths, University of London, UK. His research area is on the phenomenology of digital technology, focusing on the debates around digital technology and subjectivity. He conceptualises the digital subject in the situated, material analysis of the affordances conditioned by subjective entanglements with technology. To develop this theoretical framework, Dr Hao has worked on the projects of Minzu Identity and ICT, Ethnic Minority Digital Cultural Production in China, Surveillance Technology and Digital Capitalism in China, the Concretisation of Blockchain Technology in Technoliberalism, Virtual Gifting Technology in Chinese Video Sharing Platform and Computational Propaganda in the past ten years. Based on his academic research, Dr Hao has worked closely with industry to make direct knowledge exchange. With over six years of entrepreneurial experiences in China and the UK, Dr Hao's professional background includes the Head of Chinese Operations in IOHK, an engineering company that builds blockchain technology. He is the founder of Access Digital Ltd, a consultancy company that provides insights into areas of marketing and technology. He has also founded Yuanju Technology Ltd, a software engineering company that builds applications for computational media.

Research group: Institute of Asia and Pacific Studies (IAPS)

More information can be found on Dr Hao's webpage.

Consultancy and Research:  Dr Hao is happy to explore opportunities to undertake consultancy and research work with external organisations.


Lei Hao

Areas of expertise

Social media





Media Relations - External Relations

The University of Nottingham
YANG Fujia Building
Jubilee Campus
Wollaton Road
Nottingham, NG8 1BB

telephone: +44 (0) 115 951 5798
email: pressoffice@nottingham.ac.uk