Professor James Cockayne

Professor James Cockayne
School of Politics and International Relations | Rights Lab
+61 (0)434 538 308

Expertise summary

Professor of Global Politics and Anti-Slavery at the University of Nottingham. Cockayne has worked for over two decades as a scholar and practitioner at the intersection of international law, human rights and global business. As Director of the Centre for Policy Research at the United Nations University, Cockayne’s policy research and advocacy led to the creation of the Code of Ethics that now binds the President of the UN General Assembly, underpinned initiatives by the UN Secretary-General and High Commissioner for Human Rights on digital technologies, contributed to major changes on global drug policy and on global migration, and led to invitations to to address the UN Security Council, Human Rights Council, and Economic and Social Council. Particularly known for his modern slavery expertise, Cockayne has chaired a US Council on Foreign Relations process, advised the UK Prime Minister and CEOs at the World Economic Forum, and led a multi-year, multi-government global financial sector initiative aimed at reducing modern slavery risks. Cockayne is also recognized as a leading global scholar on the UN, organized crime, global drug policy, and on private military and security companies – for which he helped create an international regulatory framework. Cockayne is currently leading 2 policy research initiatives relating to alleged forced labour in Xinjiang.

Experienced global media contributor, online presenter and keynote speaker: - Print/online: Al Jazeera, Australian Financial Review, Barron’s, The Conversation, Die Zeit, The Economist, Folha de São Paulo, Government News, The Hill, InsightCrime, Investment Magazine, The Independent, Modern Diplomacy, The National, News Deeply, Quartz Online, Reuters, Salon, Science Magazine, Sydney Morning Herald,, Yomiuri Shimbun. - Television: ABC (Australia), BBC, BBC Asia, CBS News, CSPAN - Radio/Podcasts: Radio National (Australia), FAST Podcast, Responsible Investor, PRI, Global Compact - Keynote presentations: World Economic Forum (Davos, also Dalian); PRI in Person; Global Leadership Forum; ACAMS (presentations for regional conferences in Australasia, Africa, Europe, Americas, Asia); OSCE; UN 

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Areas of expertise

Social media

Media Relations - External Relations

The University of Nottingham
YANG Fujia Building
Jubilee Campus
Wollaton Road
Nottingham, NG8 1BB

telephone: +44 (0) 115 951 5798