University scientist wins major cancer research award

15 Jul 2011 12:00:00.000


A University of Nottingham scientist who uses fruit flies to study the genetics of cancer has won a prestigious award from Cancer Research UK.

Dr Marios Georgiou, lecturer in cell biology in the University’s School of Biomedical Sciences, has been awarded a five year Career Establishment Award of £600,000. The award is given every year to new investigators who are set to become the eminent cancer scientists of the future.

Cancer Research UK has awarded a total of £12 million to ten exceptional researchers across the country to develop their careers and to support future exciting discoveries which will allow more people to beat cancer than ever before.

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More information is available from Paul Wadsworth, Regional Press Officer on 0113 203 2435 or 07900 137 935 or e-mail or Rachel Gonzaga in the Cancer Research UK press office on 020 3469 8252 or, out of hours, 07050 264 059


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