When science meets séance

Would-be ghost-hunters sought for paranormal experiment
13 Oct 2011 11:00:00.000
PA 307/11

Four would-be ghost hunters are being sought to face their darkest fears and spend the evening in one of Nottingham’s most notorious haunted venues as part of a live experiment into the paranormal.

Watched by an audience via a live link-up to the Broadway Cinema, the team of amateur paranormal investigators will have their nerves tested to the limit as they conduct a range of tests to detect the presence of an unearthly spirit in the basement of Lee Rosy’s Tea Shop on Broad Street in the city.

Devised by the science performance company Thrill Laboratory in collaboration with Horizon Digital Economy Research at The University of Nottingham, The Experiment Live will use cutting-edge medical technology to monitor how the investigators react to their haunting experience.

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More information is available from Dr Brendan Dare (Walker) on +44 (0)7775 891 492, engineer@thrilllaboratory.com


Emma Thorne Emma Thorne - Media Relations Manager

Email: emma.thorne@nottingham.ac.uk Phone: +44 (0)115 951 5793 Location: University Park

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