Under threat: the legacy of the riots

07 Sep 2011 15:15:25.000
PA 266/11

The UK riots may have damaged properties and businesses, but the real damage hasn’t even been properly considered yet, say University of Nottingham experts.
The riots have sparked debates on what caused the violence and looting, but there has been precious little talk of the riots’ legacy for Britain, which a new study — led by Drs Matthew Goodwin, Mark Pickup and Eline de Rooij — shows an increase in the number of Britons that feel their security and their wider society and culture is threatened; something they say government needs to take very seriously, as the people who felt more threatened were more likely to express prejudice toward minority groups.
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More information is available from Dr Matthew Goodwin on +44 (0)7929045857, matthew.goodwin@nottingham.ac.uk, Dr Mark Pickup on +44 (0)951 4795 mark.pickup@nottingham.ac.uk 
Andrew Burden

Andrew Burden - Digital Communications Manager

Email: andrew.burden@nottingham.ac.uk Phone: +44 (0)115 846 8313 Location: University Park

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