Periodic Table celebrations will have Nottingham in its element

29 Jan 2019 01:00:00.000

The International year of the Periodic Table is launched today (Jan 29th) in Paris and the University of Nottingham has revealed some exciting plans to celebrate this scientific milestone, including creating a Nottingham Periodic table featuring recognisable landmarks, sayings and people from the city.

Celebrating the 150thanniversary of the creation of the periodic tablewas an idea sparked by Sir Martyn Poliakoff from the University of Nottingham, he says: “Dmitrii Mendeleev’s first publication of his Periodic Table was in 1869 and, a couple of years ago I casually suggested that the 150th anniversary might be a good opportunity for a global celebration of chemistry. The idea caught people’s imagination and a bottom-up push was enough to ignite widespread enthusiasm and, with much effort from a number of people the idea became a reality. Approval by the UN and UNESCO was necessary to mobilize government support for national chemical societies across the globe. Now, with this support, chemists at all levels, of all nationalities, and of all ages are seizing the opportunity to put on a bewildering range of event to celebrate our most iconic scientific tool.”

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More information is available from Sir Martyn Poliakoff at the University of Nottingham on 0115 9513520 or 

Jane Icke - Media Relations Manager (Faculty of Science)

Email: Phone: +44 (0)115 951 5751 Location: University Park

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