Nottingham Geospatial Institute


DU, H., ALECHINA, N., HART, G. and JACKSON, M., 2015. A tool for matching crowd-sourced and authoritative geospatial data

DE LATHOUWER, B., JACKSON, M. and MCKEE, L., 2015. A Call for Standards in Communicating Environmental Data: Environment Environment. 57(5), 24-28

LEIBOVICI, D. G. and BIRKIN, M. H., 2015. On Geocomputational Determinants of Entropic Variations for Urban Dynamics Studies: Geographical Analysis Geographical Analysis. 47(3), 193-218

CLONAN, A., WILSON, P., SWIFT, J.A., LEIBOVICI, D.G. and HOLDSWORTH, M., 2015. Red and Processed Meat Consumption and Purchasing Behaviours and Attitudes: Impacts for Human Health, Animal Welfare and Environmental Sustainability Public Health Nutrition. 18(13), 2446-2456

LOIREAU, M., SGHAIER, M., GUERRERO, B., CHOUIKHI, F., FÉTOUI, M., LEIBOVICI, D. G., DEBARD, S., DESCONNETS, J. C. and BEN KHATRA, N., 2015. SIEL: Integrated system for modeling and assessment of desertification risk: Ingenierie des Systemes d'Information Ingenierie des Systemes d'Information. 20(3), 117-142

STOCK, K., LEIBOVICI, D., DELAZARI, L. and SANTOS, R., 2015. Discovering Order in Chaos: Using a Heuristic Ontology to Derive Spatio-Temporal Sequences for Cadastral Data: Spatial Cognition and Computation Spatial Cognition and Computation. 15(2), 115-141

LEIBOVICI, DIDIER G., BROSSET, DAVID, CLARAMUNT, CHRISTOPHE and JACKSON, MIKE, 2015. k-Co-occurrences Density Map Estimation Procedia Environmental Sciences. 26, 105-108

CHRISTIAN KOCH, KRISTINA GEORGIEVA, VARUN KASIREDDY, BURCU AKINCI and PAUL FIEGUTH, 2015. A review on computer vision based defect detection and condition assessment of concrete and asphalt civil infrastructure Advanced Engineering Informatics. 29(2), 196-210

KRISTINA GEORGIEVA, GORDON HORN, CHRISTIAN KOCH, ANDREAS SCHUMANN and MARKUS KÖNIG, 2015. Automated assessment of precipitation forecasts based on supervised machine learning In: Proc. of the 22nd EG-ICE International Workshop.

KRISTINA GEORGIEVA, CHRISTIAN KOCH and MARKUS KÖNIG, 2015. Wavelet transform on Multi-GPU for real-time pavement distress detection In: Proc. of the 2015 ASCE International Workshop on Computing in Civil Engineering.

MARKUS KÖNIG, CHRISTIAN KOCH, FELIX HEGEMANN, KARLHEINZ LEHNER and PUVIYARRASAN MANICKAM, 2015. An integrated tunnel information model for mechanized tunneling In: Proc. of the 2nd International Conference on Civil and Building Engineering Informatics (ICCBEI 2015).

MARC TSCHENTSCHER, CHRISTIAN KOCH, MARKUS KÖNIG, JAN SALMEN and MARC SCHLIPSING, 2015. Scalable real-time parking lot classification: An evaluation of image features and supervised learning algorithms In: Proc. of the 2015 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks.

CHRISTOPHER KROPP, CHRISTIAN KOCH and MARKUS KÖNIG, 2015. Integrating visual state recognition with 4D BIM for indoor progress monitoring In: Proc. of the 22nd EG-ICE International Workshop.

ANDRE BORRMANN, MARKUS KOENIG, CHRISTIAN KOCH and JAKOB BEETZ, eds., 2015. Building Information Modeling - Technologische Grundlagen und industrielle Praxis Springer Vieweg.
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