Nottingham Geospatial Institute


ROBERTS, G. W., BROWN, C. J., TANG, X. and OGUNDIPE, O., 2015. Using satellites to monitor Severn Bridge structure, UK: Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Bridge Engineering Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Bridge Engineering. 168(4), 330-339

BAI, R., XUE, N., CHEN, J. and ROBERTS, G. W., 2015. A set-covering model for a bidirectional multi-shift full truckload vehicle routing problem: Transportation Research Part B: Methodological Transportation Research Part B: Methodological. 79, 134-148

BASIRI, A., PELTOLA, P., FIGUEIREDO E SILVA, P., LOHAN, E. S., MOORE, T. and HILL, C., 2015. Indoor positioning technology assessment using analytic hierarchy process for pedestrian navigation services

BASIRI, ANAHID, MOORE, TERRY, HILL, CHRIS and BHATIA, PAUL, 2015. Challenges of Location-Based Services Market Analysis: Current Market Description. In: GARTNER, GEORG and HUANG, HAOSHENG, eds., Progress in Location-Based Services 2014 Springer International Publishing. 273-282

SABATINI, R., MOORE, T., HILL, C. and RAMASAMY, S., 2015. Evaulating GNSS Integrity Augmentation Techniques for UAS Sense-and-Avoid: IEEE Second International Workshop on Metrology for Aerospace (MetroAeroSpace 2015) In:

JING, H., PINCHIN, J., HILL, C. and MOORE, T., 2015. Wi-Fi fingerprinting based on collaborative confidence level training: Pervasive and Mobile Computing Pervasive and Mobile Computing. (In Press.)

JING, H., BONENBERG, L. K., PINCHIN, J., HILL, C. and MOORE, T., 2015. Detection of UWB ranging measurement quality for collaborative indoor positioning: Journal of Location Based Services Journal of Location Based Services. 9(4), 296-319

BASIRI, A., PELTOLA, P., FIGUEIREDOE SILVA, P., LOHAN, E. S., MOORE, T. and HILL, C., 2015. Indoor positioning technology assessment using analytic hierarchy process for pedestrian navigation services

E SILVA, P. F., PINCHIN, J., BASIRI, A., HILL, C., LOHAN, E. S. and MOORE, T., 2015. On the impact of intra-system interference for ranging and positioning with bluetooth low energy
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