Nottingham Geospatial Institute


MONTASARI, R. and PELTOLA, P., 2015. Computer forensic analysis of private browsing modes

LIU, H., MENG, X., CHEN, Z., STEPHENSON, S. and PELTOLA, P., 2015. A closed-loop EKF and multi-failure diagnosis approach for cooperative GNSS positioning: GPS Solutions GPS Solutions.

MULLER, J-P, SIDIROPULOS, P, YERSHOV, V, GWINNER, K, VAN GASSELT, S, WALTER, S, IVANOV, A, MORLEY, J, SPRINKS, J, HOUGHTON, RJ, BAMFORD, S and KIM, J-R, 2015. EU-FP7 iMars: One year on with a focus on DTM, auto co-registration and citizen science In: Geophysical Research Abstracts. 17. EGU2015-10807

SPRINKS, J, HOUGHTON, RJ, BAMFORD, S and MORLEY, J, 2015. The impact of task workflow on citizen science users and results In: Contemporary Ergonomics and Human Factors 2015. 371-378

FLINTHAM, MARTIN, VELT, RAPHAEL, WILSON, MAX, ANSTEAD, EDWARD, BENFORD, STEVE, BROWN, ANTHONY, PEARCE, TIMOTHY, PRICE, DOMINIC and SPRINKS, JAMES, 2015. Run Spot Run : Capturing and Tagging Footage of a Race by Crowds of Spectators In: ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems 2015, Seoul, South Korea, 18 - 23 Apr 2015.

SPRINKS, J, HOUGHTON, RJ, BAMFORD, S, MORLEY, J and WARDLAW, J, 2015. Is that a crater?: Designing citizen science platforms for the volunteer and to improve results In: European Planetary Sciences Congress Abstracts. 10. ESPSC2015-694

SPRINKS, JAMES C., MORLEY, JEREMY, HOUGHTON, ROBERT and BAMFORD, STEVEN, 2015. The Impact of Task Design on Citizen Science Results In: AAAS Annual Meeting 2015.

SPRINKS, J, MORLEY, J. G., HOUGHTON, R. and BAMFORD, S., 2015. The Impact of Task Workflow Design on VGI Citizen Science Platforms In: GIS Research UK 2015, Leeds, UK.

SPRINKS, JAMES, MORLEY, JEREMY, BAMFORD, STEVEN and HOUGHTON, ROBERT, 2015. Keeping Citizen Scientists Interested: The Importance of Task Workflow Design In: Citizen Science Conference, San Jose CA, 11-12th February 2015.

SPRINKS, J, HOUGHTON, RJ, BAMFORD, S and MORLEY, J, 2015. Citizen science: The importance of being needed and not wasted In: The ACM SIGCHI Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play (CHI PLAY 2015).

SHARPLES, SARAH, BROWN, MICHAEL, PINCHIN, JAMES, BLUM, JESSE, NAGIYEV, ARZOO, RYAN, BRENDAN, SHAW, DOMINICK and BLAKEY, JOHN, 2015. Ubiquitous Technologies for Capture of Real-World Performance In: Proceedings 19th Triennial Congress of the IEA. 14

PADILLA, MARC, STEHMAN, STEPHEN V., RAMO, RUBEN, CORTI, DANTE, HANTSON, STIJN, OLIVA, PATRICIA, ALONSO-CANAS, ITZIAR, BRADLEY, ANDREW V., TANSEY, KEVIN, MOTA, BERNARDO, PEREIRA, JOSE MIGUEL and CHUVIECO, EMILIO, 2015. Comparing the accuracies of remote sensing global burned area products using stratified random sampling and estimation REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT. 160, 114-121

BASIRI, A., AMIRIAN, P., MARSH, S. and MOORE, T., 2015. Automatic detection of points of interest using spatio-termporal data mining Journal of Mobile Multimedia. 11(3-4), 193-204

TAPETE, D., CIGNA, F., SOWTER, A. and MARSH, S., 2015. Small Baseline Subset (SBAS) pixel density vs. geology and land use in semi-arid regions in Syria In: IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium. 3353-3356
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