Nottingham Geospatial Institute


SPOGLI, L., ALFONSI, L., ROMANO, V., DE FRANCESCHI, G., JOAO FRANCISCO, G. M., HIROKAZU SHIMABUKURO, M., BOUGARD, B. and AQUINO, M., 2013. Assessing the GNSS scintillation climate over Brazil under increasing solar activity: Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics. 105-106, 199-206

KEALY, A., RETSCHER, G., HASNUR-RABIAIN, A., ALAM, N., TOTH, C., GREJNER-BRZEZINSKA, D. A., MOORE, T., HILL, C., GIKAS, V., HIDE, C., DANEZIS, C., BONENBERG, L. and ROBERTS, G. W., 2013. Collaborative navigation field trials with different sensor platforms

BONENBERG, L. K., HANCOCK, C. and ROBERTS, G. W., 2013. Locata performance in a long term monitoring: Journal of Applied Geodesy Journal of Applied Geodesy. 7(4), 271-280

SABATINI, R., MOORE, T. and HILL, C., 2013. A new avionics-based GNSS integrity augmentation system: Part 2 - Integrity flags: Journal of Navigation Journal of Navigation. 66(4), 501-522

SABATINI, R., MOORE, T. and HILL, C., 2013. A new avionics-based GNSS integrity augmentation system: Part 1 - Fundamentals: Journal of Navigation Journal of Navigation. 66(3), 363-384

ABDULRAHIM, K, HIDE, C.D, MOORE, T and HILL, C.J, 2013. Mitigating Heading Drift of a Low-cost Pedestrian Navigation Using Rotating MEMS IMU IET Science, Measurement & Technology.

JOKINEN, A, FENG, S, SCHUSTER, W, OCHIENG, W.Y, YANG, L, MOORE, T and HILL, C.J, 2013. Improving ambiguity validation and integrity monitoring of Precise Point Positioning (PPP) In: ION GNSS+2013, The 26th International Technical Meeting of the Satellite Division of the Institute of Navigation. 1224-1233

JING, H, PINCHIN, J, HILL, C.J and MOORE, T, 2013. WiFi Indoor Localisation based on Collaborative Ranging between Mobile Users In: ION GNSS+2013, The 26th International Technical Meeting of the Satellite Division of the Institute of Navigation. 1224-1233

JING, H., HIDE, C., HILL, C. and MOORE, T., 2013. Particle filtering in collaborative indoor positioning

STOCK, K., KARASOVA, V., ROBERTSON, A., ROGER, G., SMALL, M., BISHR, M., ORTMANN, J., STOJANOVIC, T., REITSMA, F., KORCZYNSKI, L., BRODARIC, B. and GARDNER, Z., 2013. Finding science with science: Evaluating a domain and scientific ontology user interface for the discovery of scientific resources: Transactions in GIS Transactions in GIS. 17(4), 612-639

STOCK, K., PASLEY, R. C., GARDNER, Z., BRINDLEY, P., MORLEY, J. and CIALONE, C., 2013. Creating a corpus of geospatial natural language In: COSIT 2013: Conference on Spatial Information Theory, Scarborough, UK,. 279-298

QUENTAL, L., SOUSA, A. J., MARSH, S. and ABREU, M. M., 2013. Identification of materials related to acid mine drainage using multi-source spectra at S. Domingos Mine, southeast Portugal International Journal of Remote Sensing. 34(6), 1928-1948

P. PSIMOULIS and S. STIROS, 2013. Measuring deflections of a short-span railway bridge using a Robotic Total Station (RTS) Journal of Bridge Engineering. 18(2), 182-185

P. PSIMOULIS, M. MEINDL, N. HOULIE and M. ROTHACHER, 2013. Development of an algorithm for the detection of seismic events based on GPS records: Case study Tohoku-Oki earthquake In: European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2013, 8-12 April, Vienna.

P. PSIMOULIS, L. DALGUER, N. HOULIE, Y. ZHANG, J. CLINTON, M. ROTHACHER and D. GIARDINI, 2013. Earthquake source inversion for moderate magnitude seismic events based on GPS simulated high-rate data In: European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2013, 8-12 April, Vienna, Austria.
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