Nottingham Geospatial Institute


TANG, W., MENG, X., SHI, C. and LIU, J., 2013. Algorithms for sparse network-based RTK GPS positioning and performance assessment: Journal of Navigation Journal of Navigation. 66(3), 335-348

HOMER, E. M., GAO, Y., MENG, X., DODSON, A., WEBB, R. and GARNSWORTHY, P. C., 2013. Technical note: A novel approach to the detection of estrus in dairy cows using ultra-wideband technology: Journal of Dairy Science Journal of Dairy Science. 96(10), 6529-6534

MD. TARIQUL ISLAM, 2013. Time Series Landsat Remote Sensing Images and Geographical Information System to Environmental Evaluation of Sites for the Padma River Bridge International Journal of Remote Sensing and GIS. 2(3), 114-121

JOKINEN, A., FENG, S., SCHUSTER, W., OCHIENG, W., HIDE, C., MOORE, T. and HILL, C., 2013. GLONASS Aided GPS ambiguity fixed precise point positioning: Journal of Navigation Journal of Navigation. 66(3), 399-416

KEALY, A., RETSCHER, G., HASNUR-RABIAIN, A., ALAM, N., TOTH, C., GREJNER-BRZEZINSKA, D. A., MOORE, T., HILL, C., GIKAS, V., HIDE, C., DANEZIS, C., BONENBERG, L. and ROBERTS, G. W., 2013. Collaborative navigation field trials with different sensor platforms

STEPHENSON, S., MENG, X., MOORE, T., BAXENDALE, A. and EDWARDS, T., 2013. Network RTK for intelligent vehicles: Accurate, reliable, available, continuous positioning for cooperative driving: GPS World GPS World. 24(2), 61-67

JING, H., HIDE, C., HILL, C. and MOORE, T., 2013. Particle filtering in collaborative indoor positioning

SHAO, J.H, KUK, G, ANAND, S, MORLEY, J.G, JACKSON, M.J and MITCHELL, T, 2012. Mapping Collaboration in Open Source Geospatial Ecosystem Transactions in GIS. 16(4), pp. 581-597

DU, H., ANAND, S., ALECHINA, N., MORLEY, J., HART, G., LEIBOVICI, D., JACKSON, M. and WARE, M., 2012. Geospatial information integration for authoritative and crowd sourced road vector data Transactions in GIS. 16(4), 455-476

SMITH, M. J., PATON, J., MORVAN, H. and KOKKAS, N., 2012. Capturing Sail Shape in A Wind Tunnel Environment: Photogrammetric Record Photogrammetric Record. 27(138), 195-209

V. SREEJA, M. AQUINO, Z. G. ELMAS and B. FORTE, 2012. Correlation analysis between ionospheric scintillation levels and receiver tracking performance SPACE WEATHER. 10(6), S06005

SMITH, M.J., PATON, J., MORVAN, H. and KOKKAS, N., 2012. Capturing sail shape in a wind tunnel environment The Photogrammetric Record. 27(138), 195-209

WALLIS M, LONG G and SMITH M J, 2012. Visual inspections and surveys, remote sensing techniques and sensors for detailed analysis of flood defence infrastructure. In: SAYERS P, ed., Flood risk planning, design and management of flood defence infrastructure First. ice publishing.

SMITH M J and KOKKAS N, 2012. Assessing the direct georeferencing performance of the UltraCAM XP for photogrammetric applications In: International Calibration and Orientation Workshop (EuroCOW 2012), Castelldefels, Spain. 6

YOUNG, G.O., SMITH, M.J. and MURPHY, R., 2012. Contemporary surveying education changing with the times Survey Review. 44(326), 223-229
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