Nottingham Geospatial Institute


HAIYING LIU, ET AL, 2012. Integrity monitoring for GNSS/Inertial based on multiple solution separation Journal of Chinese Inertial Technology.

MAN-WOO PARK, CHRISTIAN KOCH and IOANNIS BRILAKIS, 2012. Three-dimensional Tracking of Construction Resources Using an On-site Camera System Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering. 26(4), 541-549

GAURI M. JOG, CHRISTIAN KOCH, MANI GOLPAVAR-FARD and IOANNIS BRILAKIS., 2012. Pothole Properties Measurement through Visual 2D Recognition and 3D Reconstruction In: Proc. of the 2012 ASCE International Conference on Computing in Engineering.

CHRISTIAN KOCH, STEPHANIE GERMAN, ABBAS RASHIDI, ZHENHUA ZHU, MARKUS KÖNIG and IOANNIS BRILAKIS, 2012. Achievements and Challenges in Vision-based Inspection of Large Concrete Structures In: Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Performance-based and Life-cycle Structural Engineering.

CHRISTIAN KOCH, MATTHIAS NEGES, MARKUS KÖNIG and MICHAEL ABRAMOVICI., 2012. BIM-based Augmented Reality for Facility Maintenance using Natural Markers In: Proc. of the 2012 EG-ICE International Workshop on Intelligent Computing in Engineering.

MARKUS KÖNIG, ILKA HABENICH, CHRISTIAN KOCH and SVEN SPIECKERMANN, 2012. Intelligent BIM-based construction scheduling In: Proc. of the 2012 Winter Simulation Conference.

CHRISTOPHER KROPP, CHRISTIAN KOCH, IOANNIS BRILAKIS and MARKUS KÖNIG, 2012. A framework for automated delay prediction of finishing works using video data and BIM-based construction simulation In: Proc. of the 14th International Conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering (ICCCBE).

TOBIAS RAHM, KAMBIZ SADRI, CHRISTIAN KOCH and MARKUS THEWES AND MARKUS KÖNIG, 2012. Advancement Simulation of Tunnel Boring Machines In: Proc. of the 2012 Winter Simulation Conference.

KAMIL SZCZESNY, MATTHIAS HAMM, CHRISTIAN KOCH and MARKUS KÖNIG, 2012. A Rank-based crossover operator for evolutionary algorithms for simulation-based optimization of construction schedules In: Proceedings of the 2012 EG-ICE International Workshop on Intelligent Computing in Engineering.

JEHAD T. HAMAD, TAMER A. ESHTAWI, ALMOTASEMBELLAH M. ABUSHABAN and MOHAMMED O. HABBOUB, 2012. Modeling the Impact of Land-Use Change on Water Budget of Gaza Strip Journal of Water Resource and Protection. 4, 325-333

SREEJA, V, AQUINO, M and ELMAS, ZG, 2012. Correlation analysis between ionospheric scintillation levels and receiver tracking performance Space Weather. 10, S06005

ROBERTS, G. W., BROWN, C. J., MENG, X., OGUNDIPE, O., ATKINS, C. and COLFORD, B., 2012. Deflection and frequency monitoring of the Forth Road Bridge, Scotland, by GPS: Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Bridge Engineering Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Bridge Engineering. 165(2), 105-123

KEALY, A., ALAM, N., TOTH, C., MOORE, T., GIKAS, V., DANEZIS, C., ROBERTS, G. W., RETSCHER, G., HASNUR-RABIAIN, A., GREJNER-BRZEZINSKA, D. A., HILL, C., HIDE, C. and BONENBERG, L., 2012. Collaborative navigation with ground vehicles and personal navigators

ABDULRAHIM, K., HIDE, C., MOORE, T. and HILL, C., 2012. Using constraints for shoe mounted indoor pedestrian navigation Journal of Navigation. 65(1), 15-28
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