Nottingham Geospatial Institute



MCLAREN, SUE J., LENG, MELANIE J., KNOWLES, TANYA and BRADLEY, ANDREW V., 2012. Evidence of past environmental conditions during the evolution of a calcretised Wadi System in Southern Jordan using stable isotopes PALAEOGEOGRAPHY PALAEOCLIMATOLOGY PALAEOECOLOGY. 348, 1-12


KUNZ, M., KING, M.A., MILLS, J.P., MILLER, P.E., FOX, A.J., VAUGHAN, D.G. and MARSH, S.H., 2012. Multi-decadal glacier surface lowering in the Antarctic Peninsula Geophysical Research Letters. 39(19), L19502

NEWMAN, A.V., STIROS, S., FENG, L., PSIMOULIS, P., MOSCHAS, F., SALTOGIANNI, V., JIANG, Y., PAPAZACHOS, C., PANAGIOTOPOULOS, D., KARAGIANNI, E. and VAMVAKARIS, D., 2012. Recent geodetic unrest at Santorini Caldera, Greece Geophysical Research Letters. 39(6), L06309

P. PSIMOULIS, M. ROTHACHER, L. DALGUER and Y. ZHANG, 2012. Development of a method for the detection of seismic events based on high-rate GNSS network measurements In: 10th Swiss Geoscience Meeting, Bern, Switzerland, November 17-18.

A.V. NEWMAN, S.C. STIROS, F. MOSCHAS, V. SALTOGIANNI, L. FENG, P. PSIMOULIS and O. KARAKAS, 2012. Geodetic Observations of Ongoing Unrest at Santorini Caldera, Greece In: AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, December, 2012.

KEALY, ALLISON, ALAM, NIMA, TOTH, CHARLES, MOORE, TERRY, GIKAS, VASSILIS, DANEZIS, CHRIS, ROBERTS, GETHIN WYN, RETSCHER, GUENTHER, HASNUR-RABIAIN, AZMIR, GREJNER-BRZEZINSKA, DOROTA A and OTHERS, 2012. Collaborative navigation with ground vehicles and personal navigators In: Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation (IPIN), 2012 International Conference on. 1-8

LUKASZ K BONENBERG, GETHIN W ROBERTS and CRAIG M HANCOCK, 2012. Using Locata To Augment GNSS In A Kinematic Urban Environment Archives of Photogrammetry, Cartography and Remote Sensing. 12, 63-74

ALLISON KEALY, NIMA ALAM, CHARLES TOTH, TERRY MOORE AND VASSILIS GIKAS, CHRIS DANEZIS, GETHIN WYN ROBERTS, GUENTHER RETSCHER, AZMIR HASNUR-RABIAIN, DOROTA A GREJNER-BRZEZINSKA AND CHRIS HILL, CHRIS HIDE and LUKASZ BONENBERG, 2012. Collaborative navigation with ground vehicles and personal navigators In: International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation (IPIN). 1-8

KEALY, A., ALAM, N., TOTH, C., MOORE, T., GIKAS, V., DANEZIS, C., ROBERTS, G. W., RETSCHER, G., HASNUR-RABIAIN, A., GREJNER-BRZEZINSKA, D. A., HILL, C., HIDE, C. and BONENBERG, L., 2012. Collaborative navigation with ground vehicles and personal navigators

HANSEN, D. N., TEFERLE, F. N., BINGLEY, R. M. and WILLIAMS, S. D. P., 2012. New Estimates of Present-Day Crustal/Land Motions in the British Isles Based on the BIGF Network International Association of Geodesy Symposia: Geodesy for Planet Earth. 136, 665-671

G W ROBERTS, C J BROWN, X MENG, O OGUNDIPE, C ATKINS and B COLFORD, 2012. Deflection and frequency monitoring of the Forth Road Bridge, Scotland, by GPS Proceedings of the ICE: Bridge Engineering. 165(2), 105 –123
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