Nottingham Geospatial Institute


GREBBY, STEPHEN, CUNNINGHAM, DICKSON, NADEN, JONATHAN and TANSEY, KEVIN, 2012. Application of airborne LiDAR data and airborne multispectral imagery to structural mapping of the upper section of the Troodos ophiolite, Cyprus. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF EARTH SCIENCES. 101(6), 1645-1660

ANAND S, BATTY M, CROOKS A, HUDSON-SMITH A, JACKSON M, MILTON R, MORLEY J, 2011. Data mash-ups and the future of mapping Report commissioned by Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC).

PAWLOWICZ S, LEIBOVICI D, SAULL R, JACKSON M.J, YE C, JIANG W, ADAMS N, ANAND S and HAINES-YOUNG R., 2011. Interoperable Framework for Mobile Dynamic Surveying based on open source components In: Third Open Source GIS Conference.

DU H,ANAND S, MORLEY J, LEIBOVICI D, HART G,JACKSON M, 2011. Developing open source based tools for geospatial integration In: Third Open Source GIS Conference.

LEIBOVICI, D.G., BASTIN, L., ANAND, S., HOBONA, G. and JACKSON, M., 2011. Spatially clustered associations in health related geospatial data Transactions in GIS. 15(3), 347-364

DU H, JIANG W, ANAND S, MORLEY J, HART G, LEIBOVICI D and JACKSON M., 2011. Ontology Based Approach for Geospatial Data Integration In: International Cartography Conference 2011. (In Press.)

ADAMS A, YE C, JIANG W, PAWLOWICZ S, ANAND S, LEIBOVICI D and JACKSON M,, 2011. Participatory Health Surveys Using Ubiquitous Computing: gastrointestinal illnesses application casestudy In: 19th Annual GIS Research UK Conference (GISRUK). (In Press.)

LEIBOVICI, D.G. SWAN, J. ANAND, S. AND JACKSON, M, 2011. Coupling Outbreak detection of spatially clustered associations and data reduction principles In: The International Symposium on Spatial-Temporal Analysis and Data Mining. (In Press.)

DU H, ANAND S, MORLEY J, HART G, LEIBOVICI D and JACKSON M., 2011. Geographical Information integration from disparate sources In: 19th Annual GIS Research UK Conference. (In Press.)

HOBONA G, JACKSON M, ANAND S, 2011. Implementing Geospatial Web Services for Cloud Computing. In: ZHAO P AND DI L, ed., Geospatial Web Services:Advances in Information Interoperability IGI Publications USA. (In Press.)

SREEJA, V.V., AQUINO, M., FORTE, B., ELMAS, Z., HANCOCK, C., DE FRANCESCHI, G., ALFONSI, L., SPOGLI, L., ROMANO, V., BOUGARD, B., MONICO, J.F.G., WERNIK, A.W., SLEEWAEGEN, J.-M., CANTÓ, A. and DA SILVA, E.F., 2011. Tackling ionospheric scintillation threat to GNSS in Latin America Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate. 1(1), A05

V. SREEJA, T.K. PANT, JOSE, LIJO and RAVINDRAN, S, 2011. Westward electric field penetration to the dayside equatorial ionosphere during the main phase of the geomagnetic storm on 22 July 2009 JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-SPACE PHYSICS. 116,

MANJU, G., V. SREEJA, RAVINDRAN, SUDHA and THAMPI, SMITHA V., 2011. Toward prediction of L band scintillations in the equatorial ionization anomaly region JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-SPACE PHYSICS. 116,
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