Nottingham Geospatial Institute


YOUNG, G. O., SMITH, M. J. and MURPHY, R., 2012. Contemporary surveying education changing with the times: Survey Review Survey Review. 44(326), 223-229

SMITH, M. J., PATON, J., MORVAN, H. and KOKKAS, N., 2012. Capturing Sail Shape in A Wind Tunnel Environment: Photogrammetric Record Photogrammetric Record. 27(138), 195-209

POURABDOLLAH, A., LEIBOVICI, D. G., SIMMS D. M., TEMPEL P., HALLETT S. H. and JACKSON M.J., 2012. Towards a Standard for Soil and Terrain Data Exchange: SoTerML Computers and Geosciences. 45, 270-283

DIMOND, M, SMITH, G, GOULDING, J and JACKSON, M. J., 2012. Comparing predefined and learned trajectory partitioning with applications to pedestrian route prediction In: GISRUK 2012, 20th annual GIS Research UK.. (In Press.)

ROSSER, J, MORLEY, J and JACKSON M. J,, 2012. Crowdsourcing of building interior models In: Multidisciplinary Research on Geographical Information in Europe and Beyond. Proc. Of AGILE2012 International Conference on Geographical Information Science. 130-134

PRESTON, W. W., GOULDING, J., BURNETT, G. and JACKSON, M. J., 2012. Heuristics & usability of virtual attack points for pedestrian navigation: user study using paper-prototyping In: Proceedings of the First ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on Mobile Geographic Information Systems. 65-72

SHAO, J., ANAND, S., JACKSON, M. J., KUK, G., MORLEY, J. G. and MITCHELL, T., 2012. Mapping Collaboration in Open Source Geospatial Ecosystem: Transactions in GIS Transactions in GIS. 16(4), 581-597

POURABDOLLAH, A., LEIBOVICI, D. G., SIMMS, D. M., TEMPEL, P., HALLETT, S. H. and JACKSON, M. J., 2012. Towards a standard for soil and terrain data exchange: SoTerML: Computers and Geosciences Computers and Geosciences. 45, 270-283

JACKSON, M. and TUNNELL, C. D., 2012. MICE online data quality journal of physics: Conference series: Journal of Physics: Conference Series Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 396(PART 1),

DU, H., ALECHINA, N., JACKSON, M. and HART, G., 2012. Matching geospatial ontologies

BLANKE, T., BODARD, G., BRYANT, M., DUNN, S., HEDGES, M., JACKSON, M. and SCOTT, D., 2012. Linked data for humanities research - The SPQR experiment: IEEE International Conference on Digital Ecosystems and Technologies IEEE International Conference on Digital Ecosystems and Technologies.

CLONAN, A, HOLDSWORTH, M, SWIFT, J, LEIBOVICI, D and WILSON, P, 2012. The dilemma of healthy eating and environmental sustainability: public understanding and consumption of fish Public Health Nutrition. 15(2), 277-284

2012. assessment of Chinese Satellite Navigation system usage the real observation data In: International Symposium on Space Geodesy and Earth System.

LIU, HAIYING, YE, WEISONG and WANG, HUINAN, 2012. Integrity monitoring using ERAIM for GNSS/inertial system AIRCRAFT ENGINEERING AND AEROSPACE TECHNOLOGY. 84(5), 287-292
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