Nottingham Geospatial Institute

Recent research project: OS Future data

The aim of this research programme (funded by the Ordnance Survey) is to identify the likely challenges that future technological and market developments will have on Ordnance Survey products and to provide insight into the nature of future data models that will maximise Ordnance Survey's ability to meet these challenges. Users now want their maps to contain more descriptive, yet credible and accurate information.

The project will include:

  • An analysis of near and mid-term market and technology developments that contribute to the collection of spatial data, that need map data, or contribute to services that need map data (positioning and tracking developments, ubiquitous positioning, sensor-web developments, location based games, virtual world developments, pervasive computing and the ubiquitous city/ambient society, crime and security, disaster management, mobile location based services, intelligent transport and integrated services and social networking technologies).
  • Research into the implications of the potential demands in terms of data needs (including an analysis of the atomic units of capture in terms of land use/land cover, currency demands, positional accuracy, topological structure and the associated metadata).
  • A study into what research is needed to parallel the identified technology developments in anticipation of new user services.
  • An analysis of the flexibility of the current data model used by Ordnance Survey to hold and manage the identified spatio-temporal primitives.
  • Research into the means by which the Ordnance Survey could provide the potential range of services required (i.e. the delivery of the MasterMap product).
  • Draw conclusions on how the Ordnance Survey can respond to the findings of the research project.

Project partners: Ordnance Survey

Project website:

Project events
A series of ‘Think Tanks’ have drawn together experts to present on and discuss the following topics:

  • Data capture, modelling and visualisation for ubiquitous LBS’. Organising committee: Dr. Suchith Anand, Glen Hart, Prof. Mike Jackson (17th March 2009).
  • Crowd source data capture, geospatial mashups and its impact on NMAs'. Organising Committee: Dr. Suchith Anand, Glen Hart, Prof. Mike Jackson (13th July 2009).
  • Research challenges in automated generalisation and cartographic modelling’. Organising Committee: Dr. Suchith Anand, Glen Hart, Prof. Mike Jackson (8th December 2009).
  • ‘Research challenges in augmented reality geousers’. Organising Committee: Dr. Suchith Anand, Glen Hart, Prof. Mike Jackson (27th April 2010).
  • Ordnance Survey Geospatial Mashup Challenge , 17th annual GIS Research UK (GISRUK) conference, Durham 2009. 

Publications and Conference Presentations
Geographical Information integration from disparate sources; Du, H., Anand, S., Morley, J., Hart, G., Leibovici, D., Jackson, M.  19th Annual GIS Research UK Conference (GISRUK), Portsmouth. (Best spatial analysis paper award); 2011.

Ontology Based Approach for Geospatial Data Integration; Du, H., Jiang, W., Anand, S., Morley, J., Hart, G., Leibovici, D., Jackson, M.  In 25th International Cartography Conference , Paris; 2011.

Automated schematization using open standards; Anand, S., Swan, J., Jackson, M., Ware, J.M. British Cartographic Society Annual Symposium, Nottingham; 2010.

Data mash-ups and the future of mapping; Anand, S., Batty, M., Crooks, A., Hudson-Smith, A., Jackson, M., Milton, R., Morley, J.  JISC; 2010.

Implementing Geospatial Web Services for Cloud Computing; Hobona, G., Jackson, M., Anand, S.  Book chapter in Zhao P and Di L (eds) Geospatial Web Services: Advances in Information Interoperability, IGI Publications, USA; 2010. 

Open Source and Open Standards in Health Mapping.  Leibovici, D.G., Anand, S., Jackson, M.  British Computer Society: Open Source Health Informatics conference, London, UK; 2010.

When worlds collide: combining Ordnance Survey and Open Street Map data; Anand, S., Morley, J., Wenchao, J., Du, H., Hart, G., Jackson, M.  AGI Geocommunity conference; 2010.

A Spatial Structuration Heuristic for Integrated Automated Map Generalisation with Attribute and Geometry; Leibovici, D., Swan, J., Anand, S., Jackson, M. 17th Annual GIS Research UK Conference (GISRUK), Durham. 2009.

Emerging Role of Open Source Geospatial Technologies in Geoinformatics; Anand, S.  Geospatial Today; 2009.

Geospatial mashups and Open Source GIS in government; Anand, S.  Public Sector Forums Conference; 2009.

Open Source Geospatial trends in government and National Mapping Agencies;  Anand, S.  Ordnance Survey's Cambridge Conference Exchange, Southampton; 2009.

Open source research framework- a casestudy; Swan, J., Anand, S., Hobona, G., Leibovici, D., Jackson, M.  The First Open Source GIS UK Conference, Nottingham. 2009

Project contactSuchith Anand

Nottingham Geospatial Institute

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The University of Nottingham
Triumph Road
Nottingham, NG7 2TU

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