GNSS has become one of the most widespread measurement technologies, allowing cm-level positioning accuracy using RTK or Network RTK. Unfortunately, the system's major drawbacks are the requirement for a clear view of the sky and accuracy dependent on the geometric distribution of the satellites, not only varying throughout the day but also prone to location specific problems. With widespread utilisation of GNSS for monitoring of man-made structures and other civil engineering tasks, such shortcomings can be critical.
One possible solution is the deployment of a supporting system, such as Locata - a terrestrial positioning technology, which mitigates the need for a clear view of the sky and provides system integrity control.
I am looking into taking this approach a step further - tight integration of both technologies. Anticipated benefits include increased accuracy, quality control, cycle slip detection and improved ambiguity resolution.
Bonenberg, L.K., Roberts, G.W., Hancock, C.M. (2010). Engineering Applications of Integrated Wireless Band Pseudolite and GNSS System, Proceedings of the XXIV FIG International Congress, Sydney, Australia, March 2010.
Bonenberg, L.K., Roberts, G.W., Hancock, C.M., Ogundipe, O., Lee, J.K. (2009). Feasibility of integrated Locata and GNSS for Engineering Work Application, Proceedings of the 2009 International Symposium on GPS/GNSS, Korea, November 2009.
Roberts, G.W., Bonenberg, L.K., Hancock, C.M. (2009). Integration of Locatalites and GNSS, IGNSS Symposium 2009, Australia, December 2009.
Lee, J.K, Roberts, G.W., Ogundipe, O., Hancock, C.M., Bonenberg, L.K. (2009). A study on the suitability of Locata operation for Bridge Deformation Monitoring, Proceedings of the 2009 International Symposium on GPS/GNSS, Korea, November 2009.
Roberts, G.W., Bonenberg, L.K., Hancock, C.M. (2009). Integrating Locatalites And GNSS For Engineering Works, 7th FIG Regional Conference, Hanoi, Vietnam, October 2009.