This project represents a collaboration between the University of Nottingham RLO-CETL team and the NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement.
The aim of the project is to develop a series of reusable learning objects looking at improvement knowledge and improvement culture. The RLOs are aimed at supporting a series of booklets on these subjects already produced by the Institute.
The RLOs represent about 1 hour of e-learning time and are aimed at everyone working within the NHS, especially those who may not receive training on improvement as part of their professional role. They aim to be accessible, fun and to relate the subject to everyday working experiences.
The RLOs are closely aligned with the 6 core dimensions of the Knowledge and Skills Framework, and especially core dimension 4 – Service Improvement.
The content of the RLOs was informed by a workshop that was held in December 2007 to which a range of representatives of various stakeholder groups from within the NHS were invited.
An advisory group is reviewing the content of the RLOs during their development.
The RLOs produced by this project will be the first to be housed within the new NHS learning repository.
For further information regarding access to or use of these resources, please contact:
Clare.allen at the NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement
Resources Available
Improving Care –
Improving Your Practice –
Planning for Improvement