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Waste Disposal

Environmental Issues

Just where is all this waste we produce ending up?!

The overall principle is to reduce the environmental impact whilst reducing the risk to humans and wildlife.

Current facts to consider include:

1. Sadly most waste current goes direct to landfill.

2. As Healthcare waste can present an addition threat due to its potential infectious nature and the use of pharmaceuticals and sharp instruments some of this waste must be treated first or even incinerated.

3. It is important that we reduce the need for incineration as far as possible by correct segregation at source.

Financial Issues

Financial information is indicative only as waste management is competitively tendered.

By example:

Clinical waste disposal typically costs 6-8 times more than domestic waste.

So, if domestic (black bin) waste disposal costs £50 per tonne...

...then clinical waste can cost £300 - £400 per tonne (and yellow bag waste £400 - £600 per tonne)