Universities' Collaboration in eLearning (UCEL)

RLO: Hand Hygiene

Cross Infection (2)

Mrs Smith is also at risk of cross infection from other patients via your hands. Thinking back to the routes of spread of infection, click on three things in the picture opposite that you could touch with contaminated hands and put Mrs Smith at risk of contracting further infection.

Hands must be decontaminated immediately before each and every episode of direct patient contact/care and after any activity or contact that potentially results in hands becoming contaminated. (Dept of Health, 2001)

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Yes, you could transfer pathogens from your hands to Mrs Smith's medicines. Mrs Smith may become infected by ingestion of the contaminated medicines.



Yes, you could transfer pathogens from your hands to Mrs Smith's intravenous infusion, eg by touching the spike when changing the fluid bag or touching the canula where there is a break in the protective layer of the skin. Pathogens may enter directly in to Mrs Smith's blood causing a serious infection.



Yes, you could transfer pathogens from your hands to Mrs Smith's Food. Mrs Smith may become infected by ingestion of the contaminated foods.



No, try again. Think about the routes of spread of infection.