User guides

E-learning strategy

The School’s e-learning strategy 2008-2013 [1] was launched in June 2008 [2]. One of the key objectives is to ensure a basic level of e-learning in all modules (web-supported) through to a percentage that are fully integrated into online delivery (web dependent).  In order to meet this objective over the long term, all courses were transferred onto WebCT starting with the Diploma/BSc in Nursing and Master of Nursing Science courses in September 2008, followed by the Learning Beyond Registration modules in January 2009.


Following the University's decision to adopt Moodle as its institutional Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) from September 2012, all currently-running modules are in the process of being copied over from WebCT to Moodle courses. If you have any enquiries about this process, contact the School e-learning group manager Yvonne Hood.


[1] School of Nursing E-Learning Strategy 2008-2013 (Microsoft Word document. 68kb)

[2] See SONET news item released 26th June, 2008