
This report from the Mathematics Pipeline Project (2021-23) presents a system-level overview of the mathematics pipeline in England for all young people in schools from age 4 to 16 and, thereafter, a diminishing number of students who proceed to study mathematics at A level, undergraduate and postgraduate level. The project was particularly interested in those students who have the potential to remain in the mathematics pipeline into advanced and higher education, what is termed the excellence stream in the report.

The goal of the project was to better understand and visualise the whole pipeline and to identify areas where well-designed interventions might help to improve flow and diversity within the excellence stream.  The report offers insights and ideas to individuals and organisations that might be interested in developing, or investing in, targeted interventions to improve the mathematics excellence stream in England.

The report highlights the need to improve engagement and progression in Key Stage 3.  In response to the report, the £7m Maths Excellence Fund was created to support programmes led by schools, universities and charities, and a further £7m partnership to develop the evidence base for effective maths teaching in secondary schools.  Both funds have a particular focus on supporting high potential students from disadvantaged backgrounds.

The report also highlighted the need for coordinated systematic evaluation and longitudinal research that can inform a more sustainable change agenda.  The Observatory for Mathematical Education was created to fulfil that need, building on the foundations of the Pipeline Project by supplying the mathematics education community and policymakers with up-to-date analysis of the system.

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Teacher and pupil

Maths Excellence Fund

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EEF and XTX Partnership