
Welcome to the Observatory for Mathematical Education

The Observatory has a simple yet ambitious goal – to undertake and disseminate an outstanding programme of longitudinal research that supports the improvement of mathematics education and delivers long-term benefits for individuals and society. 

Partnering with hundreds of schools, universities and other stakeholders, the Observatory is a ‘go to’ place for systems analysis of mathematics education, from early years to postgraduate study, of mathematics-for-all and of mathematical excellence​.

Stay informed about the Observatory’s work 

Read the Observatory's introductory report 





"Maths is everywhere, and it's not just for the few people to become engineers, but to be able to participate in our economies, and our societies, you need to have a really good understanding of fundamental mathematical concepts."

— Andreas Schleicher, Director for Education and Skills (OECD)



Observatory team and colleague projects

Geometric shapes

Counting Collections

Boy with colleagues drawing on whiteboard

Mastering Mathematics

Boy drawing on whiteboard

The Mathematics Pipeline project

Geometric shapes

Legacy research projects

Jubilee campus buildings

Doctoral research

Students learning in a class

Teacher training and school support



With a founding grant from XTX Markets


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