
Importance of maths

All political parties and education leaders recognise the importance of mathematics education, for the benefit of the individual, the economy and wider society. 

However, knowing where and when to intervene in a complicated system is difficult. 

  • What policy or intervention produces the maximum benefit with the resources available?
  • Should we prioritise improving basic numeracy for all or participation in advanced study and undergraduate degrees?
  • Should we add additional interventions to the system or reform what is already there?
  • Should we target long-term improvements that might take a generation to realise, or short-term quick wins within the current parliamentary cycle?
  • What might be the unintended consequences of changing the curriculum, assessment format or teaching methods?

The Observatory’s researchers work with politicians, policy advisors, think tanks and education leaders to advise on these types of questions.  From primary school to postgraduate study, our depth of knowledge, our access to national data, and our unrivalled cohort studies, mean we are uniquely and ideally positioned to offer independent advice on improving the mathematics education system.  If you would like policy advice or research, then please get in touch with the Observatory.

The Mathematics Pipeline Project led by Observatory team members, highlighted the need to improve engagement and progression in Key Stage 3 mathematics.  This prompted more than £14m of philanthropic giving to support programmes and effective teaching methods in secondary schools, with a focus on students from disadvantaged backgrounds.