
The Observatory’s expert advisory groups

Strategic advisory board

The Strategic Advisory Board (SAB) is the high-level advisory body to the Observatory for Mathematical Education (OME).  It provides strategic and independent guidance and oversight to the Observatory’s leadership team, to ensure the fulfilment of the Observatory's mission, vision, and objectives.  

The SAB will consist of eminent individuals with expertise in diverse fields relevant to the Observatory’s priorities. Members will be appointed for a 3-year period based on their demonstrated leadership, experience, and contributions to education, government, industry or society.  If appropriate, board members might be invited to continue beyond the initial three years. We will publish the membership of the board when finalised.

Roles and responsibilities  

  • To provide strategic advice and guidance to the Observatory leadership team on the evolving research programme, and on maximizing its influence and impact. 
  • To monitor and assess the progress of the Observatory against its goals and objectives, ensuring alignment with emerging issues, needs, and stakeholder expectations, and making recommendations where appropriate. 
  • To advise on opportunities for collaboration and partnership development, and on funding strategies. 
  • To act as ambassadors for the Observatory, advocating for its mission and achievements within their respective networks and communities. 

Primary & secondary expert advisory panels

These two panels are comprised of expert teachers, curriculum and school leaders, and local leaders of mathematics.  Each is made up of experts from the University of Nottingham’s partnership of schools that stretches across the East Midlands of England. The expert panels meet once per school term and are advising the OME team on the alignment of the research priorities with the current schooling context.  Importantly, these groups are advising on how to operationalise complex research designs in busy schools. They met for the first time in early 2024.

Roles and responsibilities

  • To inform the OME team about developments, successes and challenges in school mathematics education 
  • To advise on the design of the research methods (e.g. survey questions) in the Cohort Studies 
  • To advise on the operational challenges related to the Cohort Studies 
  • To receive reports and comment on the analysis of data from the Cohort Studies 


Researcher expert panel 

The Researcher Expert Panel (REP) provides expertise and guidance on the research design and analysis for the Observatory for Mathematical Education.  REP members will provide independent expert input on methodological approaches, ethics, data generation, and analysis strategies. The REP will offer guidance on potential research collaborations, partnerships, and knowledge exchange activities.  It will review research reports, providing feedback and recommendations for future development.

The REP will consist of academics with expertise relevant to the Observatory’s objectives, including but not limited to, experts in primary, secondary and higher-level mathematics education; methodologists with experience in quantitative and qualitative research methods; those with experience in experimental, evaluation, and observational research; individuals with complementary disciplinary and/or theoretical expertise. The REP will comprise around ten external experts with a balance of perspectives and expertise. Members will be appointed for a 3-year period and, if appropriate, might be invited to continue beyond the initial three years. The group will meet for the first time in May 2024.

Roles and responsibilities

  • Attend biannual meetings, either in person or virtually.
  • Provide input and advice on key decisions related to research design, methodology, implementation, and analysis.
  • Review and provide feedback on changes to the OME research plans and on the further development of the OME research programme.
  • Assist in identifying opportunities for research collaboration, knowledge exchange, and dissemination of findings.
  • Maintain confidentiality regarding sensitive information discussed within the REP meetings.