Each guideline needs to have input from all the groups who encounter and manage the specific conditions which that guideline is addressing. Altered conscious level in children is encountered by a large number of different professionals. This guideline is being developed by all those professionals as well as patient representatives.
is the committee which steers the guideline through the development process. It
needs to represent a number of different groups but cannot represent them all
as group dynamics would make decision making impractical.
groups which represent all the individual professionals also encounter children
with altered conscious level. These groups include those represented on the
Guideline Development Group and those which are not. The stakeholders are given
information about the guideline as it develops and encouraged to comment on the
guideline. Key players in each stakeholder group provide a link between their
members and the guideline development group. The stakeholder groups will be
able to recommend participants in the
This panel will include professionals who encounter children with an altered conscious level. Their knowledge of how to manage altered consciousness from their particular speciality view-point will help to form recommendations where there is no clear-cut evidence or consensus on what to do.