School of Pharmacy

News from 2016

Frankie Rawson wins a poster prize

Dr Frankie Rawson won a poster prize at the 1st Asilomar Bioelectronics Symposium

How a pharmacist made a career in pain and anaesthesia

Roger Knaggs was interviewed by Julia Robinson about his journey into pharmacy and pain management

Claire Anderson says 'Join me in Nanjing'

Professor Claire Anderson invites you to join her in Nanjing, China and to be part of the devleopment of a global vision for the education and training of the pharmacy workforce.

Revolutionary stem cell fillings trigger teeth to repair themselves

The end of root canals? Revolutionary 'stem cell fillings' trigger teeth to repair themselves

PhD student wins first prize for best poster presentation

PhD student wins first prize for best poster presentation
Tamara Mahmood won first prize for her poster at UK Society for Biomaterials 15th annual conference, University of Westminster, London.

Fillings that heal your teeth - how regenerative medicine could change your visit to the dentist

A team behind regenerative dental fillings that could help heal teeth have been awarded a Royal Society of Chemistry prize.
Displaying 11 to 20 of 41

School of Pharmacy

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