School of Pharmacy

Twelve studentships in Pharmaceutical Technology offered at the University of Nottingham and University College London


The Schools of Pharmacy at the University of Nottingham and University College London (UCL), together with their industrial partners, are offering six fully-funded studentships at each university, commencing in September 2019.

Who should apply?

We invite applicants from pharmacy, chemistry, engineering, physics, biology, mathematics or related sciences. Candidates should have, or expect to obtain, a first or upper second class degree, or non-UK equivalent, in pharmacy, chemistry, engineering, physics, biology, mathematics or related sciences. We will only consider applicants with, or expecting, at least an upper second class degree or equivalent, or a relevant masters qualification.

Applications are invited from UK and EU citizens who have been ordinarily resident in the UK for the 3 years immediately preceding the start of the programme. Candidates must also have no restrictions on how long they can remain in the UK. UK/EU citizens who have not been residing in the UK for the past 3 years may be eligible for an award and are welcome to apply, but there may be some limitations in terms of the stipend, dependent on funding.

How to apply

Applications should comprise a single PDF file containing a CV (2 pages max) and a covering letter, and be sent to:

For further information, please contact Dr Claudia Matz (University of Nottingham) or Ms Sarah Marks (UCL) after reading this more detailed document.

Posted on Friday 25th January 2019

School of Pharmacy

University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

For all enquiries please visit: