School of Pharmacy

Publications in the Advanced Materials and Healthcare Technologies Division


RAWSTERNE, R.E., TODD, S.J., GOUGH, J.E., FARRAR, D., RUTTEN, F.J.M., ALEXANDER, M.R. and ULIJN, R.V., 2007. Cell spreading correlates with calculated logP of amino acid-modified surfaces Acta Biomateriala. 3(5), 715-721

SWINDELLS, I, VORONIN, S A, FOTEA, C, ALEXANDER, M R and BRADLEY, J W, 2007. Detection of negative molecular ions in the acrylic acid plasma: some implications for polymerisation mechanisms Journal of Physical Chemistry B Letter.

VORONIN, S A, ZELZER, M, FOTEA, C, ALEXANDER, M R and BRADLEY, J W, 2007. Pulsed and continuous wave acrylic acid RF plasma deposits; plasma and surface chemistry Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 111, 3419-3429

LIAKOS, I.L., NEWMAN, R.C., MCALPINE, E. and ALEXANDER, M.R, 2007. Study of the resistance of SAMs on aluminium to acidic and basic solutions using dynamic contact angle measurement Langmuir. 23(3), 995-999

OGAKI, R., GREEN, F.M., GILMORE, I.S., SHARD, A.S., LUK, S., ALEXANDER, M.R. and DAVIES, M.C., 2007. Study of the end-group contribution to ToF-SIMS and G-SIMS spectra of poly(lactic acid) using deuterium labelling Surface and Interface Analysis. 39(11), 852-859

OHARE, L. A., HYNES, A. and ALEXANDER, M. R., 2007. A methodology for curve-fitting of the XPS Si 2p core level from thin siloxane coatings SURFACE AND INTERFACE ANALYSIS. VOL 39(NUMBER 12-13), 926-936

COLEMAN, K. S., CHAKRABORTY, A. K., BAILEY, S. R., SLOAN, J. and ALEXANDER, M., 2007. Iodination of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes CHEMISTRY OF MATERIALS. VOL 19(NUMB 5), 1076-1081

GASPER, AMY V, TRAKA, MARIA, BACON, JAMES R, SMITH, JULIE A, TAYLOR, MOIRA A, HAWKEY, CHRISTOPHER J, BARRETT, DAVID A and MITHEN, RICHARD F, 2007. Consuming broccoli does not induce genes associated with xenobiotic metabolism and cell cycle control in human gastric mucosa. Journal of Nutrition. 137(7), 1718-24

ORTORI, C.A., ATKINSON, S., CHHABRA, S.R., CAMARA, M., WILLIAMS, P. and BARRETT, D.A., 2007. Comprehensive profiling of n-acyl homoserine lactones produced by Yersinia pseudotuberculosis using liquid chromatography coupled to hybrid quadrupole-linear ion trap mass spectrometry Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry. 387(2), 497-511

RAYMENT, S.J., RALEVIC, V., BARRETT, D.A., CORDELL, R. and ALEXANDER, S.P.H, 2007. A novel mechanism of vasoregulation: ADP-induced relaxation of the porcine isolated coronary artery is mediated via adenosine release. The FASEB Journal. 21(2), 577-85

RATCLIFFE, L.V., RUTTEN, F.J.M., BARRETT, D.A., WHITMORE, T., SEYMOUR, D., GREENWOOD, C., ARANDA-GONZALVO, Y., ROBINSON, S. and MCCOUSTRA, M., 2007. Surface analysis under ambient conditions using plasma-assisted desorption/ionization mass spectrometry Analytical Chemistry. 79(16), 6094-6101

RICHARDSON, D., ORTORI, C.A., CHAPMAN, V., KENDALL, D.A. and BARRETT, D.A., 2007. Quantitative profiling of endocannabinoids and related compounds in rat brain using liquid chromatography-tandem electrospray ionisation mass spectrometry Analytical Biochemistry. 360(2), 216-226

SUMNER, L. W., AMBERG, A., BARRETT, D., BEALE, M. H., BEGER, R., DAYKIN, C. A., FAN, T. W., FIEHN, O., GOODACRE, R. and GRIFFIN, J. L., 2007. Proposed minimum reporting standards for chemical analysis Metabolomics. 3(3), 211-221

TSENG, H.M., LI, Y. and BARRETT, D.A., 2007. Profiling of amine metabolites in human biofluids by micellar electrokinetic chromatography with laser-induced fluorescence detection. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chem. 388(2), 433-439

FARIA, CRISTINA A, WÄCKERS, FELIX L, PRITCHARD, JEREMY, BARRETT, DAVID A and TURLINGS, TED C J, 2007. High susceptibility of bt maize to aphids enhances the performance of parasitoids of lepidopteran pests. PLoS ONE. 2(7), e600
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School of Pharmacy

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