School of Pharmacy

Publications in the Regenerative Medicine and Cellular Therapies Division


GINTY, P. J., WHITAKER, M. J., SHAKESHEFF, K. M. and HOWDLE, S. M., 2005. Drug delivery goes supercritical MATERIALS TODAY -OXFORD THEN KIDLINGTON-. VOL 8(NUMBER 8), 42-48

HAMMOND, JS, THOMAS, R, BARRY, J, BECKINGHAM, IJ and SHAKESHEFF, KM, 2005. Synthesis of functional liver tissue using a novel tissue engineering strategy Hepatology. 42(4), 506A-507A

WORRALL, LK, ROSE, FRAJ, BRADSHAW, TD, STEVENS, MFG and SHAKESHEFF, KM, 2005. Real-time monitoring of a 3D cancer model in the RCCS (TM) International Journal of Experimental Pathology. 86(3), A26-A26

HOU, Q., RUTTEN, F. J. M., SMITH, E. F., BRIGGS, D., DAVIES, M. C., BUTTERY, L. D. K., FREEMAN, R. and SHAKESHEFF, K. M., 2005. Surface characterization of pre-formed alginate fibres incorporated with a protein by a novel entrapment process SURFACE AND INTERFACE ANALYSIS. VOL 37(NUMB 12), 1077-1081

HOU, Q., RUTTEN, F.J.M., SMITH, E.F., BRIGGS, D., DAVIES, M.C., BUTTERY, L.D.K., FREEMAN, R. and SHAKESHEFF, K.M., 2005. Surface characterization of pre-formed alginate fibres incorporated with a protein by a novel entrapment process Surface and Interface Analysis. 37(12), 1077-1081

CHRISTODOULOU,I.D., BUTTERY,L.D.K., TAI,G., HENCH,L.L. and POLAK,J.M., 2005. Characterization of human fetal osteoblasts by microarray analysis following stimulation with 58S bioactive gel-glass ionic dissolution products Journal of Biomedical Materials Research. Part B: Applied Biomaterials. 77(2), 431-446

CHRISTODOULOU, IOANNIS, BUTTERY, LEE D K, SARAVANAPAVAN, PRIYA, TAI, GUANGPING, HENCH, LARRY L and POLAK, JULIA M, 2005. Dose- and time-dependent effect of bioactive gel-glass ionic-dissolution products on human fetal osteoblast-specific gene expression. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research. Part B: Applied Biomaterials. 74(1), 529-37

GRIFFITHS GD, TELFORD G, HOOI DSW, COOK DL, WILKINSON LJ, GREEN CA and PRITCHARD DI, 2005. A T-cell-dependent humoral immune response is preserved during the administration of the nerve agent pre-treatment pyridostigmine bromide in a murine model 5(3), 525-540

LI, L., HOOI, D., CHHABRA, S.R., PRITCHARD, D. and SHAW, P.E., 2004. Bacterial N-acylhomoserine lactone-induced apoptosis in breast carcinoma cells correlated with down-modulation of STAT3 Oncogene. 23(28), 4894-4902

HOOI, D.S.W., BYCROFT, B.W., CHHABRA, S.R., WILLIAMS, P. and PRITCHARD, D.I., 2004. Differential immune modulatory activity of Pseudomonas aeruginosa quorum-sensing signal molecules Infection and Immunity. 72(11), 6463-6470

FALCONE, FRANCO H, LOUKAS, ALEX, QUINNELL, RUPERT J and PRITCHARD, DAVID I, 2004. The innate allergenicity of helminth parasites. Clinical Reviews in Allergy and Immunology. 26(1), 61-72

TELFORD, GARY, WILKINSON, LUCY J, HOOI, DOREEN S W, WORRALL, VIVIENNE, GREEN, A CHRISTOPHER, COOK, DAVID L, PRITCHARD, DAVID I and GRIFFITHS, GARETH D, 2004. An in vitro investigation of the effects of the nerve agent pretreatment pyridostigmine bromide on human peripheral blood T-cell function. International Immunopharmacology. 4(12), 1455-66


QUINNELL, R. J., BETHONY, J. and PRITCHARD, D. I., 2004. The immunoepidemiology of human hookworm infection Parasite Immunology. 26(11-12), 443-454

QUINNELL, RUPERT J, PRITCHARD, DAVID I, RAIKO, ANDREW, BROWN, ALAN P and SHAW, MARIE-ANNE, 2004. Immune responses in human necatoriasis: association between interleukin-5 responses and resistance to reinfection. Journal of Infectious Diseases. 190(3), 430-8
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